"I wanna talk to the farmist!"
"I need a refill on my Vico-dans and my Clonzapams!"
"My Xanaxes fell in the toilet. Can I have some more?"
"Someone stole my Oxy-cotton! Can I have some more?"
"Yeah, um, my dog, like, ate my bottle of muscle relaxers. Can I have some more?"
"I can't take the generics! They don't WORK!"
"Can I take Motrin and Ibuprofen together?"
"Why is my co-pay $10? I ALWAYS pay $5!"
"Do you know what my co-pay will be for this medicine? I have Blue Cross."
"No, I don't have my insurance card with me ... why, do you need it for something?"
"Well, Rite-Aid/CVS/Walgreens/etc. ALWAYS lets me have my Hydrocodone early!"
"I need a refill on my medicine. No, I don't know what it's called ... no, I don't know what it's for either ... but it's a white pill, if that helps!"
And my personal favorite ...
"Why do I have to wait for 15 minutes? All you do is count some pills, put them in a bottle and stick a label on it! I want it NOW!"
2 years ago
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